Sunday, August 12, 2012

he said, she said

He said I kissed him on the lips. 
I say it was his cheek. 
His left cheek, to be exact. 

Everything before that moment Rudy and I seem to agree on. We seem to have the same memory of when we noticed each other for the first time, and the slow dance later in the evening. Yet, all these years later we still dispute what happened when the song was over, and the bright lights turned on inside the nightclub.

Rudy claims I smooched his lips with mine. 
A gesture of let's take this to another level
Sure, another level of intimacy sounded pretty good to me; yet, I did not kiss his lips. 
I pressed into him, slightly, to give his turned face a peck on his cheek. 
A gesture of thank you for this dance.

I am right, and he knows it. 

(GBE2 prompt: 2 perspectives)