Monday, February 11, 2013

detox cleanse

Day two and my cup of coffee is tasting pretty good. Tasty, of course, because it is forbidden for the duration of the three day Dr. Oz Detox Cleanse my daughter Liz and I have committed to. I really don't think the coffee is going to mess up what we started. I'd say Liz would agree considering she also enjoyed her own cup of joe. 

Overall, Liz and I eat pretty well. She better than I, actually. She's more alert to the ingredients in desired items, and many times will put the probably so delicious but contains all the wrong additives back on the store's shelf without a second thought. Admittedly, though, sometimes we both have sweet teeth and find ourselves indulging in too many, bad, sugary desserts; or, even an occasional heavy dose of can't-stop-eating food during an evening meal. If someone told me I could chose only one of our indulgences, the sweets or the meal, I'd pick the sweets. Liz would pick the meal. 

The cleanse piqued our interest due to its health benefits and ease of preparing. All we had to do was throw some predetermined ingredients into a blender, spin it around, and drink up. The cleanse is just another way we are trying to simply promote our well-being through good food.  And, well, both of us would like to live a long life walking upright. 

Liz and I went to the store to purchase the fruits, vegetables, seeds, almond butter, coconut oil and coconut water as prescribed. We stuffed them into the fridge, mine and hers, and thus began the fusion of various ingredients. Not bad. Not decadent. But we were gung-ho and wanted to achieve what we had started. Yesterday, I didn't blend the ingredients into the lunch smoothie, rather I tossed them together like a salad and munched on those crispy greens. Tasted fine to me. Liz says her drink, with the same ingredients I used, was fine also, not disgusting like many people had commented on Dr. Oz's website. Yet, she didn't use all the ingredients required due to a too-small blender. I'm not sure about her, but for me, I only had a breakfast smoothie and the not so smoothie salad when I should have made a total of four beverages for the day. I didn't feel hungry, so why eat? Liz texted that she was hungry. She wanted a big 'ol cheeseburger or some chili. Just something hot besides the detox, bland, green tea that was on the menu to drink between meals. The cold weather wasn't helping with having to spend our days with only cold drinks. I had the same idea. Something like a soothing hot cup of coffee on this cold-hands, chilly afternoon was just the ticket.

Cleansing isn't very hard, which maybe just means because of the way I already eat, a three day detox isn't that far-fetched for me to follow. My age appropriate slow metabolism seemed to adjust accordingly to what was expected.  Liz is twenty-five years younger than me and found she needed to eat an extra piece of fruit or two before retiring for the night.

The two of us will continue to incorporate the detox cleanse smoothies into our daily lives, along with a balanced, nutritional, surrounded by coffee and the occasional loaded meals and treats lifestyle.