Monday, April 30, 2012

z is for zephyr

A-Z CHALLENGE (hosted by a variety of writers) : April's task is to write something, anything using the letters of the alphabet as an inspiration for each post. In honor of one of my favorite authors, I will use Sue Grafton's title set-up: Z is for... A is for... B is for... (and so on.).

Cecy's story began at a is for avant-garde

Cecy had been enjoying her life.

The past six months proved to be more than she had hoped for. A dream come true. The beginning of a career in counseling while unexpectedly finding herself delving into the fashion world.

And now, the holidays were upon her, so she was going to travel back home. To Orange County, California. For a bit of downtime. To relax. And to catch up with her family.

After tightly hugging her mom at the airport, they walked arm in arm, gossiping about life. Life in California, and any tidbits Cecy had to share about New York.
"I was thinking, would you like to stop at In N Out, for a burger?" Cecy's mom asked. "You know, for old times sake," she grinned.
"Oh, yes! A cheeseburger, animal fries, and a root-beer would be a great welcome home!" Cecy gleefully admitted.

While enjoying the company of her mother, Cecy glanced across the road, towards the shopping center. And just as a light wind brushed through her hair, she saw him, looking as gorgeous as always, standing there, looking up at the cloudless, bright blue, afternoon sky; his soft-to-the-touch wavy hair moving to the rhythm of the breeze. She lost focus with what her mom was saying as she began to remember him. And her. Together. She thought about how he would hold her. Caress her. With his strong, smooth hands. How he skillfully teased her into begging for more.

She remembered their love-at-first-sight meeting.

Despite the fact that they grew up in the same beach town, Cecy and Paul had never met before their visit to UCLA, during freshman orientation. They began dating immediately; quickly becoming inseparable. Couldn't get enough of each other, always wanting more. "We're soul-mates," they told people, in unison. Those four years were wonderful, full of lust, love and happiness. So when Cecy's decision to accept an offer to attend NYU's master program it caused an uproar in their relationship. Paul didn't understand, yet Cecy knew she had to take the next step, even if it meant moving away, to achieve her goals. For nine months, they tried to maintain their relationship. To hold it together. But in the end it didn't last. They both agreed to part ways. That trying to make it work wasn't working. That they both required more one-on-one time. She cried, and so did Paul, as they said goodbye. And neither of them ever looked back.

Not until today.

For the first time, in two years, Cecy wondered if she had made a mistake leaving the man of her dreams behind. She was so lost in thought that she hadn't realized that Paul was gazing at her from where he stood. A small smile spread across his kiss me lips. She looked up just as his smile broadened even more, as if he had just received the best news. Cecy smiled back, shyly.

"Someone looks like she's thinking about something happy," her mom broke into her thoughts.
"Oh. It's Paul. He's over there," she responded, as she looked in his direction.

Cecy's mom followed her gaze, catching a glimpse of Paul just as a familiar woman ran up to him, and wrapped her arms around his waist, kissing him hard on the lips. The woman laughed as she pulled Paul into a nearby jewelry store.

Paul tightened his lips and bowed his head as Cecy watched him walk away.