Saturday, March 31, 2012

a is for avant-garde

 A-Z CHALLENGE (hosted by a variety of writers) : April's task is to write something, anything using the letters of the alphabet as an inspiration for each post. In honor of one of my favorite authors, I will use Sue Grafton's title set-up: A is for... B is for... C is for... (and so on.).

Cecilia couldn't believe her luck, when she met Beca. In the ladies room, of all places. Both women were standing in front of the mirror, adjusting themselves, making sure everything was in its place. Beca glanced over and commented, impressed with Cecilia's sense of style. So avant-garde!

Cecilia blushed, slightly, but confidently stated that, for her, dressing was effortless. And without sounding conceited she admitted that I hear that all the time!

Beca looked at her for a moment. Took in her fresh, youthful look and wondered if Cecilia could possibly be the person she'd been looking for.
"Are you currently working?" she asked.
"Well, no. I just graduated with a master's in psychology. But, I am hoping to land a job working with people. Helping them solve their issues," Cecilia responded.
Beca suddenly reached into her purse and pulled out a business card, and handed it to Cecilia.
"Well, this may sound strange, yet maybe exciting, but I would like to talk with you some more. In my office. About a possible job offer."
Cecilia looked at the card. And noted with delight that Beca was the director of a up and coming modeling agency. A hip place she had read about in many of the style magazines delivered to her door step each month.
"Could you come by? Have a chat sometime next week?" Beca asked.

On Tuesday, Cecilia was asked a very specific question. "Would you be interested in working behind the scenes of one of New York's top fashion shows. In an exclusive position, assisting a well-known psychologist to many of the overwhelmed models?"
"Oh, yes!" Cecilia blurted out, uncontrolled.

Cecilia began working with the therapist, learning various techniques to draw out a patient's comfort level, therefore enticing them to share their feelings. She was ecstatic to have found such an ideal position. Not only is her work serious, and heartfelt; but, it is fun, too. She is deeply immersed in the fashion world. Daily, she would show up to the modern glass letting the sun shine in building impeccably dressed. Hair in an unusual, but beautiful style, makeup a bit extravagant yet it worked on her, and every piece of clothing was concisely fit to her curves. All her outfits were unique. Never seen before. Very avant-garde.

Cecilia could easily be mistaken for a model.

One day, she strutted into the building, taking the elevator up to the fifth floor. She was ready to assist the psychologist in the confines of the soothing space, set up especially for relaxing models, so that they will feel at ease, while opening up about personal issues they are trying to work through. As she stepped off the mirrored elevator, after a quick scan of herself, out into the hallway, she noticed Beca walking towards her.
"Hello," both women said, at the same time. They both laughed.
"You are looking wonderful, as usual, Cecilia."
Beca reached out, held one of Cecilia's hands. She smiled. Looked Cecilia in the eyes, and said "Your job description for the day has changed. Today your title will be model. An avant-garde model." Cecilia was speechless.
Beca laughed. "Seriously. I knew all those months ago bringing you aboard would be two-fold. Your academic career balanced with your style would someday make a difference. Today is that day. You have what we need. Your style is unique. So perfect for today's show. In fact, your hair and makeup don't need to be changed."
Cecilia was trying to breath. Slowly.
"It just so happens today's designer has an eclectic style. Your look works. What do you say?"
"But," is all she could manage, at first. "Why? I'm not even a model. And, I have private conversations with many of those girls. Won't that be a problem?" she asked, concerned.
"Actually, no. Honestly, we did ask the girls what they thought and they were excited. All of them think you are great. The feel very comfortable with you. And, of course, simply put, they admittedly try to emulate the way you dress." Beca smiled. So did Cecilia.

The designer was amazed at how professional and how natural Cecilia was as she walked down the runway. He wanted her to work with him, regularly. Which she did, and still does, along with her counseling position. Developing an unforeseen, yet tightly bonded relationship with her patients, who happen to also be her model friends.