Monday, December 12, 2011

5 o 'clock in the morning

I woke to the sound of Rudy's early morning text.
I reached under my pillow, grabbed my phone, and read his newest message.  

Tell my kids that I miss their smile.. their laugh.. but most of all, their I LOVE YOU, DAD! Have a good day, Babe. I love you. Amor y paz.

When Rudy first moved to Arkansas, the ritual of us texting each other, in the early morning, began. At 5 o 'clock in the morning.

As I walk down the dark hallway, after my wake me up shower, I begin to think about our current life. Together. In two places.

We no longer wake up together. Or share a cup of sweetened coffee, while watching the news. Rudy wakes up in Arkansas, two hours before I do in California. While I am still sleeping he is showering. Getting ready for his day ahead. Then, before he steps out of the car at his so happy to have a job place of employment, he texts me. His morning  ding! "hello".  I respond in kind.

As he walks through the back entrance of the building, I roll out of bed, shower and settle in on the couch for a bit. Alone. With my own coffee. Or, mostly, tea. Thinking about life and its ups and downs.

We have embraced it for what it is. An unexpected bump in the road. A bump we'll eventually hurdle. Eventually.

This is our life. Right now. For the time being.

Our first connection for the day is a brief moment. Our moment. At 5 o 'clock in the morning.