Saturday, March 2, 2013

the end

*ALERT* I will continue to write, and open the pages of our life, in a new chapter - BonaFideAffairs
That's it.
It's over.
My Distant Husband has come to an end.

The stories of being together yet living apart have run their course. No more will I spill my thoughts about adapting to the lifestyle Rudy and I have learned to accept. No longer is there a need to question what it all means. Cruising through our days, planning our future, hoping for the best are now something we will do together, in California.


Rudy has returned home from Arkansas, for good.

Time has taken its toll on Rudy, scraping off a bit of contentment each day, questioning the worth of living so far away from his family. And because our relationship is based on love and strength, the fact that he would be quitting his job, without another in place upon his return home, didn't deter his decision. We both know it is the right thing to do. And the right time to do it. 

*ALERT* I will continue to write, and open the pages of our life, in a new chapter - BonaFideAffairs