Monday, July 18, 2011

The Children Left Behind

Liz and Roberto have the house, the California house, all to themselves. A modest house; big enough, but not overwhelming. "Our safe place," I always say.

On the one hand, they said they would miss us. On the other, they both were excited to live as if it was their place; their independence.

And live they have. Working. Lots of working at their summer jobs.

Well, of course, gatherings - my less loud word for parties - on an occasional weekend, are part of the "Yeah, the parents are gone! Calling all friends!" mentality of youth.

I am confident that all their adventures are being handled in a very responsible and mature way.

They are growing up. Mostly, independent.

The simplicity of loosening the apron strings, a little at a time, is much easier when you have children you have raised with trust, and they in turn do their part to ensure that the trust of a parent never wavers.

I instinctly believe that they are taking care, being responsible; as responsible as a 20 and 23 year old can be.

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