Cassandra and Skyler.
The names of the new kitties around this place.
Named by the boys.
Years and years ago, way back when we first began living together, somehow it was decided that we would not be pet people. For Rudy, it had to do with allergies. For me, I wasn't willing to make the same mistake again. My Huckleberry mistake.
About a year before meeting Rudy, I bought a pup. A buff-colored Cocker Spaniel. Named him after the storybook free-roaming boy character in Mark Twain's classic. I took care of him, until.....
the day I moved away from my parent's home. To live with the love of my life. In a no pet's allowed apartment building.
Long story short - my spaniel was hit by a car. His internal injuries were severe enough that it was best to euthanize him. For his comfort, not mine.
I grieved to no end, in Rudy's warm embrace.
From that day forward I decided I would never neglect another animal because I had somewhere else to be.
As the kids grew, they inquired about a pet. "Please!"
"No. Having an animal takes, Dad is allergic." So the story goes.
After a while, they stopped asking. Mostly. Sometimes they'd test. Just to see what my reaction would be. While Rudy's was a consistent No!, my idea of a pet had its ups and downs. I thought it would be fun, yet never followed through. Didn't want to. My long-gone pup would meander into my thoughts reminding me that I should not have an animal in our home until we were ready.
More so, when I was ready.
Well, a few days ago, Brad showed us a picture of some bright-eyed 6 week old kittens a friend of his was putting on the free market. I am not sure why, but without hesitation I said, "Yes!" No ifs, ands, or buts.
When I sent a text to Rudy, an oh-by-the-way message, I knew I had crossed a line. The let's discuss everything and come to an agreement line. In all honesty, I probably didn't send the message prior to bringing the little girls home because I knew the conversation would be straightforward. He'd say "No." and that'd be it. I didn't want to go that route. I had an instinct that I was doing the right thing, and I didn't want to explain myself.
Needless to say, my distant husband feels left out of the loop, and is wondering how I could make a decision that we both agreed not to agree to for years and years.
No answer is the right one. For him. For now. Rudy will adjust. Be okay with my decision. He just needs a few days.
For whatever reason - a reason I am not going to over think - I know for me, for the kids, the time is right, for our family to take on the responsibility of caring for fluffy brown green-eyed Cassandra and fluffy white-grey-black-striped also green-eyed Skyler.
The names of the new kitties around this place.
Named by the boys.
Years and years ago, way back when we first began living together, somehow it was decided that we would not be pet people. For Rudy, it had to do with allergies. For me, I wasn't willing to make the same mistake again. My Huckleberry mistake.
About a year before meeting Rudy, I bought a pup. A buff-colored Cocker Spaniel. Named him after the storybook free-roaming boy character in Mark Twain's classic. I took care of him, until.....
the day I moved away from my parent's home. To live with the love of my life. In a no pet's allowed apartment building.
Long story short - my spaniel was hit by a car. His internal injuries were severe enough that it was best to euthanize him. For his comfort, not mine.
I grieved to no end, in Rudy's warm embrace.
From that day forward I decided I would never neglect another animal because I had somewhere else to be.
As the kids grew, they inquired about a pet. "Please!"
"No. Having an animal takes, Dad is allergic." So the story goes.
After a while, they stopped asking. Mostly. Sometimes they'd test. Just to see what my reaction would be. While Rudy's was a consistent No!, my idea of a pet had its ups and downs. I thought it would be fun, yet never followed through. Didn't want to. My long-gone pup would meander into my thoughts reminding me that I should not have an animal in our home until we were ready.
More so, when I was ready.
Well, a few days ago, Brad showed us a picture of some bright-eyed 6 week old kittens a friend of his was putting on the free market. I am not sure why, but without hesitation I said, "Yes!" No ifs, ands, or buts.
When I sent a text to Rudy, an oh-by-the-way message, I knew I had crossed a line. The let's discuss everything and come to an agreement line. In all honesty, I probably didn't send the message prior to bringing the little girls home because I knew the conversation would be straightforward. He'd say "No." and that'd be it. I didn't want to go that route. I had an instinct that I was doing the right thing, and I didn't want to explain myself.
Needless to say, my distant husband feels left out of the loop, and is wondering how I could make a decision that we both agreed not to agree to for years and years.
No answer is the right one. For him. For now. Rudy will adjust. Be okay with my decision. He just needs a few days.
For whatever reason - a reason I am not going to over think - I know for me, for the kids, the time is right, for our family to take on the responsibility of caring for fluffy brown green-eyed Cassandra and fluffy white-grey-black-striped also green-eyed Skyler.
"Here kitty kitty."