The memories of that week came flooding back.
After they married, there were no plans for a honeymoon. No money was the simple explanation. Life went on. Until the day her youngest brother presented them with a prepaid I won it in a raffle at Nordstrom's! package.
"Seriously?!" they said in unison. Her brother explained that the trip was to all-inclusive Sandals Negril couples Resort in Jamaica. He wasn't a couple with anyone at the moment and didn't want to waste the prize. He thought of them; his sister and his brother-in-law, how they needed to get away to celebrate their marriage.
"Oh wow! Thanks. What a great gift. Thanks. Seriously, thanks!" they said, hugging him.
Within a few months, they found themselves sunbathing while sitting on plastic white recliners placed strategically in the pristine water. Snorkeling was a must do, as was kayaking on the gently slopping light blue water. Themed dinner parties. Swimming up to the pool bar for a drink. Driving into town to see where the locals convene. She even jumped off a cliff into the seems like a mile down water below. Her husband was a bit more ambitious. He climbed a tree, like some other people did, and jumped from the topmost branch.

"Sounds good," he said. "I hope she's having fun with Grandma and Grandpa."
They spent the week in every strenuous or not activity, just for Liz. All they thought about was their little two and a half year old, back home.
Tanned, happy, and ultra-relaxed they exited the airport arrivals lobby in anticipation of wrapping their arms around their little dark-haired beauty. Waiting curbside, they noticed the midnight-blue Cadillac pull toward them. They looked at each other, smiled, squeezed hands. Her mom and dad waved. "Hello!" they both said, smiling faces. Slowly, oh-so-slowly, Liz crawled out of the backseat of the probably seems so huge to her car.
"Uh oh. She looks mad." her husband said, quietly. "Look at her face. Her eyes. If she could, I think she would throw daggers at us with those eyes."
"You're right. She is mad at us, and at the same time she looks like she isn't even sure it's us." She reached out her arms to her daughter. Smiled. Waited. Patiently. Suddenly, Liz ran into her arms, shy at first, then she hugged her mom tight. Then her dad.
He placed the we did it! necklace around her toddler-sized neck. Liz pulled at it. Looked at it. Smiled, then crawled into the car, into her car seat and leaned back, ready to return home with her mom and dad. For her, all was right with the world, with her life, now. For them....
They had so much to share. A brother to thank, again.